The rush created by the moving screens seem to be killing your basic instinct ( not that one ). The proper conditioning of your brain is being washed by the fact that you always want something to move, to entertain you. To sit in a silence (with a silent brain) is a nightmare for you.
This web ( metaphorically and actually ) is so strong that once you get bonded, it’s so hard to get out even if you know the ‘ How- to ’. The funny thing is, sometimes you go on the web to search for the How-to.
The web attracts you.
The problem is, it doesn’t do these all things on it’s own. First it takes every problem you are facing and tries to solve it ( let’s accept, web is not bad if you know how to deal with it ) and then it is you who become quite interested. But you know what, it is actually fascinating how good that is. It really is. Your fascination plays an important role here in developing a irresistible fond for distracting your brain somewhere.
Obviously it is not as dirty as it looks. It has benefits too. But human brain is designed in such a way that certain chemical reactions are much more harder than others.
Though it’s not our brains fault.
It’s of the improper coordination.